Understanding Well, It's nice to talk to someone oh anyone who understands and feels the same but in the world we live in it's hard to find that certain person who knows what it's like to deal with the things you, yourself have been dealing with since day one... But sometimes you find a person you feel understands you and really cares and you are willing to give that person all your heart and soul, but in the sometimes in the end you're the one alone and crying...saying "It should have been different...but it wasn't different was it?" That's when you got to pick up your shattered heart and all the pieces of what should have been a perfect dream come true and go on to find the end to that dream...all I know is that you have to go through a lot of heartbreaks to find the fairy tale ending... but it's there you just got to get through all the pain and suffering to get to the happy ending. It's all about understanding how life and love works...we all have our way of understanding it... this is just mine...